numbers Untangling Korach Sometimes the only way to get clarity is by trying to peel back the layers to see how close we might get to the beginning.
Seder Sources and Resources This is Life as a Sacred Text 🌱, an everybody-celebrating, justice-centered voyage into ancient stories that can illuminate our own lives. It‘s run on a nonprofit, so it’s 100% NAZI FREE. More about the project here, and to subscribe, go here: Subscribe! So, friends. Pesach is here. I can
misc essays Featured The Antisemitism Post (tm) Gotta get the history to know where the tropes live in the discourse today.
numbers Whose Truth Sometimes women with voices are shut out of the camp. But that’s not the end of the story.
numbers 16 Takes On the "Kushite Wife" Verse That Have Nothing To Do With White Supremacy they had other things going on in the ancient world, you know
notes towards a theology of prose Exploding our creative boundaries can help us seek a connection with the divine that is lived, messy, and sublime.
Blessing. Protection. Amulet. This is Life as a Sacred Text 🌱, an everybody-celebrating, justice-centered voyage into ancient stories that can illuminate our own lives. It‘s run on a nonprofit, so it’s 100% NAZI FREE. More about the project here, and to subscribe, go here: Subscribe! As it happens, the oldest written versions
misc essays have some cool stuff Hey, all-- Have some recommendations of cool things, in anticipation of Shabbat. 1) Yael Kanarek has been heading a "Regendered Torah" project called Toratah for the last few years, basically translating the whole Torah (and other parts of the Hebrew Bible) in Hebrew and English while flipping the