numbers taking a holy time out When it's time to do some serious spiritual heavy lifting, taking a break from things that make it difficult to hear that still small voice within is sometimes key.
numbers ancient abortifacients, reproductive coercion, and bad translations So... if this this "bitter water" induces pregnancy endings?? How would we understand this whole scenario?
You Asked, I Answered Two weeks ago, we had an ask the community conversation, with promises that any questions directed at me, specifically, would be addressed in a couple of weeks. It is now a couple of weeks. So! As usual I a lot, so– fewer questions, more text. Your shocked face. Apologies if
numbers debunking the conquest narrative facing one of the hardest narrative arcs in the Bible armed with the truth of what really happened
the desert speaks It's been a minute since we've had a good old-fashioned juicy text study, and the ideas raised on Monday have lots of friends in the tradition– so I thought I'd bring some of the good stuff. As always: There are a bunch of texts,
Ask the Rabbi and Each Other! Hi, hi, hi!! It's been a while since we've had a chance for an open community post, and it's been even longer since we've done a proper Ask The Rabbi post, so I figured this would be a good time to try
Newsletter Guest Post: The Messianic Feminism of Shabbatai Zevi and Sarah Ashkenazi Jericho Vincent on the Embodied Mysticism Now Derided as Heresy
Newsletter Guest Post: The Prophetic Torah of Ezra Furman A brilliant musician illuminates her lyrics
Newsletter a lot of things are true. the refusal to grasp this is a non-trivial amount of the problem